Sunday 10 August 2014

B is for...Business

Those of you expecting my back to work post are going to bit a disappointed. After 6 months of thinking I had it made with my interesting job and my work/life balance, I was made redundant.

I applied for some jobs but with so many marketing professionals looking for work, it was seemingly impossible to get something part-time. I had been spoilt at my job and there was no way I wasn't going to see B in the week.

So I have now set up my own business. After working in digital marketing for some pretty big names for 3 years (obviously minus maternity leave) I reckoned I had enough experience to do some pretty good all-round SEO marketing for businesses that don't have the budget to use an agency.

There has been a lot of chat in my industry about the 'one-man-band SEO was dead but it seems that the one-woman-SEO-PR-freelancer is alive and well.

Amazingly I've been making a pretty decent living for a couple of months now- obviously everything could change over night as the job security is pretty non-existant but until that point i'm going to give it a shot.

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