Wednesday 23 July 2014

Oh it's just 12 3/4 month sleep regression


This is just a post to air my annoyance at some parenting school-of -thoughts need to label every single thing children and babies do.

I've joined a Gentle Parenting Facebook group, because I obviously doubt have enough to do! (I do, more on that later) I joined largely to take the piss but apparently I'm more of a hippy-dippy mother than I first thought.

However, there are some things that annoy me greatly about this sort of parenting. I'm going to put the in numbered list now:

1.  There are 'sorts of parenting'- Whether you're Gentle, AP, Helicopter, Tiger, Crunchy or Silky there's a club for you to join. The particular group I'm a member of (on Facebook) feature a couple of posts a week that start with 'I'm surprise that...' and they go on to state how 'surprised' they are that so-called Gentle Parents would go in for the naughty step or weaning before 6 months or whatever. I don't think you can whole-heartedly follow a parenting doctrine. We're not Ghandi for fuck's sake, we're a bunch of knacker women with limited pelvic floor control and we're all different.

2. There are specific words you have to use. Never say 'naughty', 'time out' watch your tongue at every opportunity. See above- I'm knackered, I try not to say naughty but sometimes I accidentally say banana instead of car so if naughty slips out I'm not going to beat myself up.

3. The 'phases'- In the group somebody actually said this: 'My LO is waking up a lot more for a drink now it's so hot, is it sleep regression?' No! She's hot. I've woken up for a drink every night this week, it's been boiling. To say 'oh it's just sleep regression' is to deny or children individuality and not allow them to just be in a shit mood. They're human like we are. When I'm in shit mood it isn't 27.5 year sleep regression.

I'm sure there a more, maybe add your own in the comments if you fancy!

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